Wilderness Medicine Updates
The podcast for medical providers at the edges, bringing you digestible updates at the growing edge of Wilderness Medicine, Wilderness EMS, Search and Rescue, and more.
Wilderness Medicine Updates
Ep. 3 - Methoxyflurane for Prehospital Analgesia
Methoxyflurane: inhaled gas of the past and prehospital analgesic of the future? Only if we’re talking about ‘the future’ in North America. Used in Australian EMS for almost half a century, this safe and effective medication is only now starting to get the attention that it deserves outside of the down-under.
Today’s paper:
Trimmel, H., Egger, A., Doppler, R. et al. Usability and effectiveness of inhaled methoxyflurane for prehospital analgesia - a prospective, observational study. BMC Emerg Med 22, 8 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12873-021-00565-6
Open access PDF:
Penthrox inhaler “selfie” image:
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